The employment service offers advice, information and financial support to jobseekers throughout various services. Click here to learn more about these services
The sweden's social insurance system is considered among the best in the world. Click here to know more about the Swedish Social Insurance Agency benefits
The enforcement authority is a governmental agency that deals with debts. Click here to know more about the enforcement authority duties.
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.
Behavioral economics studies the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural and social factors on the decisions of individuals.
The share is defined as an ownership in a limited liability company. But what are shares categories? Click here to learn more
What is Stock Market? Click here if you want to know more about policies and procedures that govern it.
What are funds? What are its types and how it is functioning? Everything you need to know and more is here
There are different types of bank accounts that meet your requirements. Click here for more information about the bank accounts in Sweden.
Do you want to borrow to buy a house or a car? Or to buy a new furniture? Click here to know more about the difference between loan types in Sweden.
Most Swedes trust their tax system because it is fair to all despite the high tax rates. Click here to find out where this trust came from
How to achieve financial stability when you retire? How to build up a proper pension? Click here to learn more.
What benefits you get in case of unemployment? Click here for details.
Do you want to continue your education, but you need a financial support? Find out how you can get help here.
If you are unable to support yourself and your family, then you are entitled for financial assistance from the municipality where you live. Click here to learn about the conditions that must be met.
Insurance is the first protection to compensate your losses in the event of damage or accidents. Click here to learn more about different types of insurance and what is the policy coverage.
Learn more about the types of companies and policies and procedures for each one of them, and what is the right type for your business to achieve maximum benefits.
How do you plan your financial life to achieve financial freedom? Click here for details.
Things to think about it when you want to save for yourself and your children. Learn more about different types of savings methods and savings accounts here.
Here you can learn more about the financial instruments and their mechanism for achieving maximum benefit for your investments in the stock market.
Your way to growth and financial stability is investment. Find out what key factors are before start investing.
A bond is defined as a debt security. But what are bond types and how to trade with them. Click here for details.
There are many types of home finance that differ in several factors. Click here to find out which type suits your needs.
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